This week we have been working on Aotearoa Upstander. Our teacher has told us to draw a Aotearoa upstander. I decided to do Sony bill williams! I learned heaps about him, i got facts about him and had to fill out this sheet.
Food waste
This week people came to our school called time for tech, they taught us about food waste and how we need to stop wasting food otherwise we wont have enough food for everyone. We had to do different activities on it, then put it onto google slides. We learnt to not waste food that people will normally waste and how to try to save money.
Smart Footprint Badge Design
Over the past week our class has been learning about private and personal information and what to post and what not to post. We had to make badges as a reward for keeping our private information safe and posting what is able to post.
New Zealand Music Month
Last week we were learning about New Zealand Music Month. We had to create an album of a band or a singer. We had to be creative and make an album cover. I did Six 60’s album cover. I made it out of shapes and changed the colour and put it onto google drawings.
New Zealand Music Month
Last week we were learning about New Zealand Music Month. We had to choose a NZ music singer, songwriter or band. We had to create a short biography or create a poster. I created a poster about Six 60. I had to get information about the band and write it down onto a google drawing.